Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash


The aim is good enough, not perfection

2 min readJan 3, 2023


It’s now January 4, and I remembered that I wanted to capture a moment of every day throughout this year (hooray ADHD and the lands of great intentions!). I saw a cute Tik-Tok that suggested I write something amazing that happened during the week on a post-it each Sunday, to place in a jar for opening on New Years Eve. Loved the idea, know I’ll lose the pieces of paper. Also, while the concept is great, forced gratitude isn’t serving anyone and some of the weeks of 2021 and 2022 truly sucked me into chasms of darkness. So thoughts, documented each day, without judgement.

I figure as good a place to start as any is to outline the things that are coming this year thus far. There’s some pretty hefty stuff — a career pivot, the examination of corporate ladder-climbing dreams to work out if the kudos and monet flow are worth burnout (spoiler alert — they are absolutely not!), a new housemate. A long and arduous fitness journey after cancer, complete with goals of scuba, horse riding, and getting my motorcycle licence (it’s so much fun!). Curating who I want to spend my time with, both romantically and when it comes to friendships. The great, enduring decluttering journey, replete with a revolving door of curios, oddities, and fashion. Deep somatic therapy work, and more tears than I can even imagine right now. A sense of rightness, and very very cautious optimism.

Plus all the usuals, the cooking of nourishing meals, the regular walks, brunches with friends, keeping plants alive, having the laundry make it to the drawer instead of living in a washing basket. Eh, we’ll see what happens.

Day one, complete.

What are you hoping for, or planning, or not planning?

Song of the day: “Pretty Hurts” by Beyoncé




Written by Violet

Part time writer, full time thinker. I photograph my life at

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